Friday, April 22, 2011

Momma in Focus

yes, i gave my kids a hunk of day old donut to get them to sit still!
they promptly crammed the whole piece in their mouth.
i especially love eleanor's expression.

One Day At A Time

have a wonderful firday, but don't forget to reflect on what your Savior did for you today.
He Is Risen!


  1. Hahaha!! Love the strategy!! and Eleanors expression! Like "I don't care what mom does to me, as long as I have my donut!!"

  2. Cute, cute!! Happy Easter to you and your sweet family!

  3. Haha....too cute!! Good Friday...Thank you Jesus!

  4. hahahaha I too cracked up when I read what it took to get the little ones to sit still. I marvel that anyone with more than one child could ever capture a shot with them all together!! That is quite a gift so bravo!! Someday you will look back on this and say, wow, they were so small..where did the time go! ;0. Love it and happy easter weekend to you friend!

  5. That totally makes me laugh- my middle child has a really bad habit of eating things so fast that we wonder if she even tasted it at all. :)

  6. Awesome picture of you and your littles!!! That is too funny, there are some days when the only time Chicka does sit still is when she is eating, and even then sometimes it is a battle to get her to sit long enough to eat! It is so exciting to find a blogger from Michigan! This weather has been absolutely wretched, I can't wait for some 70 degree days. I look forward to reading future posts. :-) Have a wonderful Easter!

  7. LOL--whatever works, right? Too cute!

  8. HAHA. Ellie's cheeks look extra chubby. LOVE IT!
