Friday, April 1, 2011

Momma in Focus

today i'm joining another blog link up:

One Day At A Time

this is a group of moms that share pictures of their beautiful selves with their children. each week has a theme word, this week's work is: outdoors. (i love this because i don't really photograph myself with my kids all that often. this way, i'll be doing it [at least] once a week)
thanks to casey over at One Day at a Time for starting this up. <3

we went to the park today and had a picnic, but i didn't get any photos there because i left my memory card in the computer this morning! we didn't end up staying long anyway, because there were a few bigger/older kids that were shoving all of the small kids (mine included) out of their way. [basically being playground bullies and complete hellions] of course their parents were no where in sight. uggh.
that said, we snapped a few photos out on the deck when we got home. Isaiah was having i'm-tired-because-i-didn't-take-my-nap meltdowns, so he was in time out during picture time.

 momma and eleanor
 eleanor, momma, jack
 eleanor, momma, jack
jackson henry
enjoy the beautiful weather and the time spent with your precious young ones!
<3 k


  1. I like this idea! I wish I still had little ones at home. These are nice pics of you and the two youngest. Love you.

  2. It's a shame some parents don't watch their kids at places like that - not only b/c they don't want them to get hurt, but just to make sure they act like they should with others. I'm sorry it wasn't a good day for the park. Your pictures are sweet, though - I'm glad y'all still got some outdoor time!!

  3. Aw the pictures are super cute!!

  4. Oh my, how precious!!! It's been raining here so I need to get out in the sun too!! very jealous! ;)

  5. Oh my you have a little little one too! THese are SOOOO precious!!! I love these and I know you will not regret getting in pictures with your sweet little ones!! Great job!! I'm glad you linked up because now I can follow you more often;0! Hope you have a great weekend!

  6. super cute pictures! Love the first one! The little man is so precious!
