Saturday, April 2, 2011

evening rituals

when i was pregnant with jackson, i had an evening ritual. michael and i would put the kids to bed and then i would crank the water up to scalding and fill the tub up for a nice long soak. i would shave my legs and all that jazz, and afterwards, i would lotion up, and perhaps paint my fingers and toes. michael and i would sometimes watch a movie or read together before finally heading to bed.

since i had jackson, i've not done any of that. i've been taking "power showers". you know, the get in-scrub down-get out kind of showers. i was beginning to feel more animal than human. so last night after we put the kids down, i filled the tub up for a bath. it was in a word: glorious! i shaved my legs for the first time in almost 3 weeks (you're welcome!) seriously, you try chasing around 2 toddlers and managing a newborn. yeah, you wouldn't have time either! afterwards i lit a few candles and grabbed my lotion and a bottle of nail polish (sally hansen #340 "mint sorbet")

next i got a cup of coffee and a big glass of water in my favorite glass.

finally i feel like a woman again. [insert blissful sigh here]
michael and i watched "the tourist" last night together. it was wonderful.

i know (firsthand) that it's hard to find time for yourself when you have kids. but guess what? you deserve to feel beautiful too! take some time for yourself today.

what kind of routines/rituals do you have?


  1. Love the nail polish! Before Allie came I would finish the dishes and then get into my comfy's and watch shows with my husband while I crocheted or worked on some other fun craft things. Ya, not so much now. Totally feel like an animal when showering as well ha. Great way to describe it!

  2. LOVE the feeling of a moist "just bathed" body sitting down to watch a movie with hubs. THE best!!! Glad I got my hair washed before my baby got up which would

  3. oh I love this... I haven't taken a bath - well since my daughter was born. That is sad - especially since I only have one little one!
