Tuesday, June 28, 2011

tasty tuesday {Raw Foods Detox}

howdy friends! this week i'm doing a raw foods detox. why? because i've been putting junk into my body. ( and a lot of it ) been wanting to do this for a while ever since Sarah over at Anonymous was a Woman blogged about staying mostly raw this summer. that and my dear friend Jill suggested this detox on facebook last week.

so i'll be eating everything raw, nothing cooked. just a whole lot fresh fruits and veggies. with some nuts and beans for protein. no meat, no dairy. this will be a challenge for me as i'm still cooking for the rest of my family. that, and i'm a total carb-o-holoic. i was vegan a few years back and totally LOVED it. (but i have a weakness for bacon...that, and i married a carnivore)

check out my tasty breakfast:
{red tea, spinach, half a banana, and some raspberries}
how beautiful is THAT? let me tell you, so beautiful!
now i could have just eaten half a banana, and handfull of spinach and a few raspberries out of the carton, but that wouldn't have been nearly as awesome. and i probably wouldn't feel very satisfied afterwards. presentation is key, my friends.

what's on the menu this week, y'all?


  1. Yay! Your breakfast looks delish! I can't wait to see all the tasty things you eat. : )



  2. I did this once a few years back and it felt amazing! Good luck and that presentation does look amazing!

  3. How pretty!!! I've never done a raw detox - you need to do a post about it to educate those of us who aren't familiar - benefits? side affects? I'm very curious now!

  4. Great idea! I love my raw veggies - natural peanut butter can also be a great source of protein also!

  5. PS-I was totally going to link up with you this week - I have a recipe posted, you should come check it out! I know you can't eat it right now, but trust me - your family with L-O-V-E it!

  6. Good for you Mama! Sounds amazing, you are so inspiring!

  7. That looks great! I'm so excited about fresh summer produce finally starting to pop up--that always means more raw fruits and veggies for me and I always feel so much better when I have lots in my diet.

  8. I was thinking about doing this too... I feel all junked down and all I crave is deep fried somethings. Thinking I might start on Saturday. I love your cup and plate... so pretty.
