Friday, January 13, 2012

brown sugar and aprons

we baked 6 dozen cookies the other night.
"i help you, momma"
behold the best brown sugar packer...ever.
she spent at least 5 minutes packing that 1/2 cup of sugar.
"i need little more, momma"
cookies can always use extra sugar, right?
i can barely stand how cute she looks in that tiny apron that Grammy Judy gave her for Christmas.

have a wonderful friday!
((don't forget to enter the giveaway for a chance to win a Starbucks gift card, and spread the word!))


  1. Cute cute cute!!! She takes her sugar packing job seriously, that's so adorable!

  2. OH my gosh... she is adorable. Licking the sugar - good plan!

  3. I love her cute little apron! The cookies sound yummy!!
