Saturday, January 28, 2012


miss eleanor will be 3 on thursday. THREE.
her birthday totally snuck up on me.

she is such a little mother.
always taking care of her babies and barbies.
they have to be tucked in...with her horse blankie.
the same horse blankie that she would not go to bed without
...under any circumstances.

funny how things change when you have "kids" of your own
suddenly they come first.
i'm happy that she sees that example at home
and that she's living it out.

have a wonderful weekend.


  1. 3!! Oh my. She is such a pretty little lady in her sweet coat.

  2. Happy birthday to your sweet girl! We've got a 3rd birthday coming up in Feb. too! Hard to believe...

  3. Happy {early} birthday to your sweet princess! Time sure flies on by!

  4. Happy 3rd Birthday to your precious girl!!!
